Album Reviews

Distant Past – Rise of the Fallen

14th September 2016 Thomas Nielsen

One must conclude that not even being on the side of the Christian god automatically makes you a great artist. Let’s begin with the positive things about the third full-length from Swiss Bible-connesseurs Distant Past: The cover [Read »]

Album Reviews

Evergrey – The Storm Within

7th September 2016 Kenn Jensen

Ever since I first bought their solid debut album “The Dark Discovery” on the GNW Records label many, many years ago, Evergrey has been a prominent member of my favourite power metal bands. If the [Read »]

Album Reviews

Tarja – The Brightest Void

30th June 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Picture that you’re the front lady of one of the most popular female fronted bands on the planet. You’ve turned kitsch into greatness. You’re riding on a wave of success. Then, bam, things happen away [Read »]

Album Reviews

Withem – The Unforgiving Road

25th June 2016 Kenn Jensen

A couple of progressive bands have begun to appear on the Frontiers Records roster: Circus Maximus and now another Norwegian band: Withem. They kicked off their career in 2013 with “The Point of You”, which [Read »]

Album Reviews

Derdian – Revolution Era

1st June 2016 Reinier de Vries

Derdian is a typical Italian symphonic power metal band with Rhapsody as main influence. There are many bands that sound a bit the same and I can not say that Derdian has anything original in [Read »]

Album Reviews

Grand Magus – Sword Songs

6th May 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Fantasy and Heavy Metal. Who would have thought that these two can go together? Well, who else but pretty much every Metal fan and anybody else who is at least remotely acquainted with the genre. [Read »]