Album Reviews

Noveria – Forsaken

25th December 2016 Liam Savage

With a sound firmly rooted in the “prog-power” split subgenre, Noveria come forth with a commanding sound.  With all instruments on point and executed well, and singer Francesco Corigliano showing a good range with strong [Read »]

Album Reviews

Enbound – The Blackened Heart

28th November 2016 Kenn Jensen

Five years have passed since Enbound released their debut album “And She Says Gold”, and here follows album number two: “The Blackened Heart”. They are still operating in the area between melodic metal and power [Read »]

Album Reviews

Secret Sphere – One Night in Tokyo

22nd November 2016 Kenn Jensen

Seven studio albums, numerous tours and a strong following in Japan results in this: the very first Secret Sphere live release, released on 2-CD and DVD. Albums like “A Time Never Come”, “Heart & Anger” [Read »]

Album Reviews

Hammerking – King Is Rising

11th November 2016 Reinier de Vries

This is the follow up of their 2014 debut album with the original title ‘Kingdom of the Hammer King’. These Germans play true power metal with no single original note or riff. That doesn’t make their music bad, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Theocracy – Ghost Ship

5th November 2016 Kenn Jensen

Matt Smith and I go way back, he started his one-man band Theocracy around the same time I began putting together and when he released his first album on MetalAges Records it was one [Read »]

Album Reviews

Hammerfall – Built To Last

2nd November 2016 Lotty Whittingham

If there were two words to describe HAMMERFALL’s brand new upcoming record it would be sheer power; from listening to this album several times it is crystal clear that the name ‘Built To Last’ is [Read »]

Album Reviews

Stratovarius – Best of

17th September 2016 Kenn Jensen

Stratovarius will always be thought of in two eras; the time with Timo Tolkki and the time without. He was the main songwriter and the brain behind the band, but after he left in 2008, [Read »]