Album of the Month

Ancestral – Master Of Fate

8th January 2017 Reinier de Vries

Italy is known in the metal community for their power metal bands. Rhapsody (of Fire) is their biggest export. Lots of other combos play in that same genre, but all don’t get the same popularity. [Read »]

Album of the Month

White Widdow – Silhouette

28th December 2016 Wade Reitz

We like what we like. Whether it be food, beer, a certain brand of shoes, whatever, we are all individuals in what we favor. This is especially true when it comes to music. While in [Read »]

Album of the Month

Avenged Sevenfold – The Stage

10th November 2016 Liam Savage

Avenged Sevenfold has had a bit of a hard go since the release of their last album “Hail To The King”.  Although that particular album sold and charted well, it’s the first album of theirs [Read »]

Album of the Month

Anciients – Voice Of The Void

17th October 2016 Liam Savage

I first heard Anciients about two years ago, which is about a year after their debut album “Heart Of Oak” was released.  The band and album did what rarely happens with me, and that’s start [Read »]

Album of the Month

Pain – Coming Home

27th August 2016 Thomas Nielsen

WARNING! Extremely catchy music ahead! I’m infected, you might be too in a near future. When it was announced a few weeks ago that Peter Tägtgren and Pain would guest the Aalborg Metal Festival in [Read »]

Album of the Month

Anderson/Stolt – Invention of Knowledge

25th June 2016 Kenn Jensen

“Invention of Knowledge” is a fantastic prog rock album! When Jon Anderson (Vocals, Ex-Yes) and Roine Stolt (Guitars, The Flower Kings, Kaipa, Transatlantic) met on the Progressive Nation At Sea Cruise in 2014 no one [Read »]

Album of the Month

Winterhorde – Maestro

20th April 2016 Haydee G.

I have kept my eye on Winterhorde since their highly acclaimed album “Underwater Moon” was released back in 2010. The long silence had made me wonder when they will eventually release the next one as [Read »]