White Widdow – Silhouette


We like what we like. Whether it be food, beer, a certain brand of shoes, whatever, we are all individuals in what we favor. This is especially true when it comes to music. While in some areas of art people can be pushed into a hive state of mind, music seems to be one of those that thrives on diversity. So, as I’m digging through the last month’s promos, looking for something that strikes me now at the end of the year, when quality new stuff is usually slim, I was quite surprised to stumble upon the newly released album from White Widdow. What initially caught my eye was the album cover. Without looking at the genre description, I originally thought it was for a synth-wave band, with it’s overt 80’s look. However, then I hit play and was taken back to the 80’s on a different route. I was immediately hooked! Where did these guys come from? Where have they been?? Why haven’t I heard of them???

For anyone as ignorant as I, White Widdow formed in Melbourne, Australia in 2008. Jules (vocals) and Xavier (keyboards) Millis, along with guitarist Enzo Almanzi have anchored the band since the self-titled debut in 2010. After submerging myself in their back catalog, it’s obvious that the brothers were raised on a healthy diet of 80’s arena rock, as it shines through on all of White Widdow’s albums. Their newest, Silhouette, was released November 25, 2016 via AOR Heaven.

Opening track “Stranded” is as 80’s as you can get, with the keyboards and guitars hitting you like Bon Jovi’s “Runaway.” Every song on Silhouette is dripping with harmonies. Almanzi’s solos rip, and the semi-new rhythm section of Ben Webster on bass and Noel Tenny on drums make things easy for he and Xavier to let their melodies flow. Silhouette has some slightly heavier songs then the previous releases, making it even more appealing to me. Along with the opener, “Surrender My Heart,” “Game of Love,” “Waited,” and the excellent closer “Sleeping with the Enemy” all hit just a little harder than anything they’ve done before. “Last Chance for Love” is THE blueprint power ballad. It, along with “Damage Done,” pull at the heart strings as well as the guitar strings. The quality production makes you wonder what some of your old favorites would sound like if they were recorded with today’s technology.

Silhouette is practically the perfect album. The combination of huge melodies, shredding guitar licks, and killer production make them that much sweeter. White Widdow continue to improve their sound with each album, making Silhouette their best to date. We like what we like. I don’t care how cheesy it is, or if it reminds me of a soundtrack to a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, because Silhouette kicks ass, and so do White Widdow.


Track list:

1. Stranded
2.Surrender My Heart
3.Living For The Night
4.Last Chance For Love
5.Wild At Heart
6.Damage Is Done
7.Game Of Love
8.Smile For The Camera
10.Sleeping With The Enemy

Playing Time: 37:30

Release Date: November 25, 2016

Label: AOR Heaven

Website: facebook.com/whitewiddowaor/


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