Marillion – F*** Everyone And Run (F E A R)


When Marillion funded their 2001 album “Anoraknophobia” thru advanced orders, who would have thought that they set a movement off that is so important in the music scene these days?  And the pioneers in fan funded music have also chosen to use one of the many platforms that exists today: PledgeMusic to fund their new album.

The fans, who chipped in have been able to follow the whole process and be a part of the whole project – on the side line. With various editions available you had the chance to contribute, by paying early on, to choose how much you wanted to invest in the next Marillion album, and yes I did chip in last year.

Marillion has never been shy to explore deep political issues and on this album they address topics that vocalist Steve Hogarth feels are important to speak about at this present time of life. “El Dorado” addresses the feeling (Steve has) that a storm is coming; ecological, financial or humanitarian… a watershed is approaching and we brought it on ourselves. “The New Kings” looks back on the last years in world politics and on capitalism in general; epitomised by the new found wealth in Russia. The last of the tree epics on “F*** Everyone And Run” gives us an personal insight into the life on the road; being away from the loved ones back home.

Steve Hogarth whispers, rants and sings about social injustice, media manipulation and other topics for more than an hour and his heartfelt voice captures the emotions in the lyrics perfectly. To call Steve Rothery (Guitars), Mark Kelly (Keyboards), Pete Trewavas (Bass) and Ian Mosley (Drums) H’s supporting cast would be the understatement of the year! This is a progressive rock band on top of their game, delivering emotional and profound music that demands a lot of the listeners and rewards them with a sublime sonic experience.

The three epics are immense:  intense, diverse and innovative. “Living in F E A R” and “White Paper” are brilliant progressive gems hidden in-between the three epics. This is easily their best album in the past twenty years; an instant classic. Personally I rank it all the way up there with my two favourites: “Brave” and “Fugazi” – yes, it’s that good!

“F*** Everyone And Run” might be psychotherapeutic in nature for Steve Hogarth and his “supporting cast”, to me it represent the essence of one of the most important and influential progressive rock band ever, a true masterpiece and one of the best album this year, if not THE best?



  1. El Dorado (i) Long – Shadowed Sun
  2. El Dorado (ii) The Gold
  3. El Dorado (iii) Demolished Lives
  4. El Dorado (iv) F E A R
  5. El Dorado (v) The Grandchildren of Apes
  6. Living in F E A R
  7. The Leavers (i) Wake Up in Music
  8. The Leavers (ii) The Remainers
  9. The Leavers (iii) Vapour Trails in the Sky
  10. The Leavers (iv) The Jumble of Days
  11. The Leavers (v) One Tonight
  12. White Paper
  13. The New Kings (i) Fuck Everyone and Run
  14. The New Kings (ii) Russia’s Locked Doors
  15. The New Kings (iii) A Scary Sky
  16. The New Kings (iv) Why Is Nothing Ever True?
  17. Tomorrow’s New Country

Playing Time: 68:10

Release date: September 23, 2016

Label: Earmusic


About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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