Movie Reviews

Heavy Metal Road Dog (2016)

15th February 2019 Markus Falkenberg

There is a lot that can be said about Heavy Metal as a genre, but amongst these fundamentals is certainly the statement that „Heavy Metal is live music“. Without concerts, without bands sweating and rocking [Read »]

Album Reviews

Iron Lamb – Blue Haze

11th December 2018 Markus Falkenberg

Heavy Metal has developed quite a bit over the decades, but there is no denying that a lot of modern Heavy Metal is surprisingly conservative in a musical sense. Many would say that this is [Read »]

Album Reviews

Stryper – God Damn Evil

3rd June 2018 Markus Falkenberg

“Sing unto Him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.” Psalm 33:3   Christian Metal does not exactly have the best reputation in the Metal scene. “Preachy” and “boring” are coming adjectives you [Read »]