Album Reviews

The Extended Sessions

14th March 2018 Markus Falkenberg

Many fans agree that classical music and Heavy Metal have a lot in common. In fact a lot of fans probably listen to both, or even play both.  And why not? Classical music is often [Read »]

Album Reviews

Squealer – Behind Closed Doors

17th February 2018 Markus Falkenberg

Thrash Metal with Power Metal thrown in, or Power Metal with Thrash Metal thrown in? This is hard to say, because both genres are present in Squealer’s latest album ‘Behind Closed Doors’. The Thrash Metal [Read »]

Album Reviews

Schwarzer Engel – Sinnflut

1st December 2017 Markus Falkenberg

„Schwarzer Engel“, aka „Black Angel“ is obviously a nice choice for a name for a Gothic Metal band. Also, they sing in German which is not really typical for most bands from our beloved genre. [Read »]

Album of the Month

Incertain – Rats In Palaces

15th September 2017 Markus Falkenberg

Incertain is an example that one should not mistake youth for a lack of experience, or even for a lack of talent, because Incertain has plenty of both! There is something very appealing to hear [Read »]