Album Reviews

Atomwinter – Iron Flesh

14th October 2015 Reinier de Vries

Already being in an old school death metal moode with just listening to the new Grave album, this isn’t a giant step to take. This German combo knows all the answers. I like it when [Read »]

Album Reviews

Elegacy – The Binding Sequence

11th October 2015 Reinier de Vries

Elegacy is a prog-power metal band/project formed by Constantin Terzago (keyboards) and Massimo La Russa (guitars). After their first album ‘Impressions’ in 2005, things were put on a hold, but they continued writing new songs. In 2011, new [Read »]

Album Reviews

Nonexist – Throne Of Scars

11th October 2015 Reinier de Vries

This is a project of Johan Reinholdz (Andromeda), together with Johan Liiva (known from Arch Enemy). Mr. Reinholdz is responsable for guitars, bass, keyboards and some singing and grunting parts. Mr. Liiva takes care of the lead vocals. Listening [Read »]

Album Reviews

Intrinsic – Nails

7th October 2015 Reinier de Vries

Although the album is already out for a while, I found it interesting enough to still review it for our site. The band already released an LP called ‘Intrinsic’ in 1987 and an EP in [Read »]

Album Reviews

Death Dealer – Hallowed Ground

2nd October 2015 Reinier de Vries

Original, progressive, new paths taken etc. etc. are words and expressions that don’t describe this album. If you are looking for something like that, you can stop reading and wasting your time. But if you like good, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Huntress – Static

27th September 2015 Reinier de Vries

It is an understatement to conclude that singer Jill Janus is a rather complex person. If you want to know why, you should find some more info about her on the internet. In the personal lyrics [Read »]

Album Reviews

Godslave – Whatever We Want

23rd September 2015 Reinier de Vries

Thrash band Godslave has released some rather o.k. albums and now decided to record an EP with Status Quo covers. I hoped that the band would play some faster thrash versions of the songs, but [Read »]

Album Reviews

Harlott – Proliferation

20th September 2015 Reinier de Vries

This thrash band from Melbourne already surprised me with their ‘Origin’ album, but with this new album they really overwhelmed me. It is maybe not original, but it is so fast, hard and heavy and [Read »]