Album Reviews

Wisdom – Rise of the Wise

19th February 2016 Markus Falkenberg

My first impression of Wisdom’s “Rise of the Wise” was that of a highly skilled Old School Power Metal band. Clear vocals, melody, guitar riffs and solos, basically everything what one would expect from a [Read »]

Album Reviews

InLegend – Goliath’s End

10th February 2016 Markus Falkenberg

To say that InLegend is an unusual Heavy Metal band is an understatement. It is still fun, but a Metal band that rejects Heavy Metal’s signature instrument, i.e. the guitar, for a piano is not [Read »]

Album Reviews

Megaherz – Erdwärts

6th December 2015 Markus Falkenberg

Clown make-up. The singer is wearing clown make-up. If you should worry that this is a hint that they play something akin to a certain American band that is well known for wearing clown make-up, [Read »]