Endless Recovery – Revel In Demise


Endless Recovery’s “Revel in Demise” sounds like from another era when Thrash Metal was still young and hungry. Think of a blend of old school Kreator and Tankard to get an idea what I mean. Young, aggressive, straightforward and brutal… You name, they got it! So yes, this album is definitely a nice treat for all Thrash Metal fans who love the old classics. Endless Recovery is not a cover band though. They are obviously more than able to write their own songs that just happen to have that certain old school feeling. There are brutal drum passages, there are screaming guitars that play both great riffs and good solos and there are bass passages and a great vocalist who shouts out his text in a way that is packed with anger and aggression! This alone would probably have made me happy, but there is something else that struck me as interesting. This ‘something’ is their ability to take back their massive sound carpet for a while to give a single band member the chance to shine. And I am not just thinking of the guitarist here. Yes sure, the guitarists get their share of the spotlight as well – big surprise for a Metal band… – , but the same also goes for the drummer and the bassist. Yes, their time in the spotlight is obviously shorter, but I experienced this not just as a form of respect, I also enjoyed these moments for how they ad variety to Endless Recovery’s songs that are usually dominated by a massive sound carpet. Just give the song “Reaping Fire” a listen as it is absolutely representative for the entire album.

All in all I must say that it has been a while since I enjoyed a Thrash album like that. 8 devils!

Track list:

  1. Sinister Tales
  2. Revel In Demise
  3. Reaping Fire
  4. Storming Death
  5. Leather Militia
  6. Trapped In A Vicious Circle
  7. Blood Countess
  8. Hypnos
  9. Evoke Perdition
  10. Lurking Evil

Playing time: 38:33

Release date: 24th December, 2015

Label: Against PR

Website: Endless Recovery (Facebook)


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