Iranian Metalband Confess face imprisonment and even death penalty for playing Metal

Confess Heavy Metal Is Not A Crime2

Heavy Metal has always been controversial. It is loud, it is aggressive and many Heavy Metal fans show an attitude that goes against what society considers ‘normal’. This rebellious attitude varies in degree, but it will always be there for as long as Heavy Metal stays the dirty brother of Rock n’Roll whom most people prefer to avoid at all costs. Yes, most if not all countries grace us with a certain laissez-faire attitude, but most Heavy Metal fans have probably experienced situations where other people showed a serious lack of tolerance that goes way beyond what one would expect from a person who just happens to have a different taste in music. Sometimes it is just that certain surprised or shocked look you get when people begin to understand what kind of music you are listening to, other times it is an aggressive rant about the evil that is Heavy Metal.

Most of the time this is just an inconvenience and maybe you feel a bit of disappointment here and there when it turns out that some people are less tolerant than you would prefer them to be, but it is hardly ever a threat to a Metalhead’s physical wellbeing. At least in the West. In other regions of the world Metalheads risk a lot more than we do here. We are definitely not alone there, but this thought is not really comforting when you are facing charges that can get you up to 10 years in prison, or maybe even earn you the death penalty.

And this is exactly what the members of the Iranian Metal band Confess are up against. They got arrested by the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution for various charges like advertising against the system, running an illegal band and charges of blasphemy. These charges can mean anything between 6 months to 10 years in prison, or even the death penalty, if the Iranian prosecutor should really go for it!

This why Rock Hard Magazine (Germany) posted an article with an English link to an online petition that is supposed to gain the UN’s attention:

Petition: Confess; Musicians must not be killed or arrested for making music

An online petition is not much, but maybe it will still help the band by making the case public. Who knows? Maybe the mainstream will be on our side for once? Let us hope so, because that is exactly what these musicians, what these fellow human beings need!

Last, but not least a word of caution. Some articles say that the Iranian government seized control over Confess’ entire online presence! I do not know whether this is true, but please, if you should give Confess’ Facebook page a like then be careful with what information you share there. This goes particularly for those Metal fans who have friends, or family in, or close to Iran. Do not put them at risk!

Yours in Metal

on behalf of the Power Of

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