Album Reviews

Mortillery – Shapeshifter

26th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

Mix Iron Maiden melodies, chaotic parts Death Angel style, screaming aggressive Nuclear Assault sounding vocals, the brutality of Exciter and Slayer thrash assaults and you have something like Mortillery. Besides Iron Maiden on speed also [Read »]

Album Reviews

Rezet – Reality Is A Lie

24th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

Death Angel, Flotsam & Jetsam, Suicidal Angels, Destruction, Warfect, Paradox, After All, Assassin and now this German band Rezet. That’s a hell of a lot of thrash in 2 months…. Not one of them isn’t worth [Read »]

Album Reviews

Crisix – From Blue to Black

18th March 2016 Reinier de Vries

After albums of Angelus Apatrida, Raze and Phobos Preacher yet another release of a Spanish thrash band. I was not familiar with this band, but they already started in 2008 and this is their third album. First under the [Read »]

Album Reviews

Anthrax – For All Kings

7th March 2016 Wade Reitz

Anthrax is a band that has always been near and dear to my heart. Anthrax was my gateway band to thrash. I remember reading something about how ‘Imitation of Life’ was one of the fastest [Read »]

Album of the Month

Textures – Phenotype

27th January 2016 Wade Reitz

Science was never one of my strongest classes in school. I was not an idiot, but I was not a star either. Like most people, different topics would catch my interest and I would excel, [Read »]