Album Reviews

Hatesphere – New Hell

22nd November 2015 Thomas Nielsen

Those who thought that HateSphere would be a short-lived blimp on the metal horizon when guitarist Peter ‘Pepe’ Hansen formed the band in 2000 were dead wrong. Despite line-up changes en masse over the years, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Macbeth – Imperium

27th September 2015 Matt Fabi

Not to be confused with the Italian gothis metal band of the same name. Say ‘German thrash metal’ and a lot of people think of Kreator, Sodom, Destruction etc. There are elements of the former [Read »]

Album Reviews

Children Of Bodom – I Worship Chaos

25th September 2015 Cristina

Alright, I’m willing to admit that I’ve never really been a Children Of Bodom fan. When I discovered them years ago, I was sure that I wouldn’t listen to them again any time soon. Strangely [Read »]