Vivaldi Metal Project – The Four Seasons


When you take on an adaptation of one of the most famous and most beloved classical pieces, like Antonio Vivaldi’s Le Quattro Stagioni, there are really only one of two end results possible; either a masterpiece or you end up slaughtering it. Well this album is closer to a slaughter than to a masterpiece.

Mistheria (Bruce Dickinson, Rob Rock, solo etc.) and Alberto Rigoni (TwinSpirits, solo etc.) are the two guys behind this massive undertaking, a project involving more than 130 metal and classical artists and covering all twelve movements as well as two new original songs and on paper this looks to be any neo-classical metal fans wettest dream come true.

But this album does suffer from a mediocre production and a massive orchestral production like this calls for a crystal clear production. The decision to add lyrics to the adaptation might sound almost sacrilegious to many classical fans, and even though it adds a new dimension to adaptation it also takes you further from the original.

Personally I think they’ve moved too far from the original score, and the result ends up being mediocre and nowhere as thrilling as I had hopes for. The involvement of all the artists hasn’t paid off, and not even the biggest neo-classical metal and Therion fans will be overly exited by this adaptation.

The decision to adapt the four violin concerti to a guitar driven metal album is, I my book, not a very successfully one… but do give it a listen, maybe it’s just me…?


  1. Escape from Hell
  2. The Illusion of Eternity
  3. Vita
  4. Euphoria
  5. Sun of God
  6. Immortal Soul
  7. Thunderstorm
  8. The Age of Dreams
  9. Alchemy
  10. Stige
  11. The Meaning of Life
  12. The Final Hour
  13. Grande Madre
  14. Doomsday

Playing Time: 75:50

Release date: July 22, 2016

Label: Pride & Joy Music





About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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