Album Reviews

Obscura – Akroasis

4th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

The new album of Obscura or should I say Steffen Kummerer is in my eyes the best so far. It is again very progressive but there is more line in the songs. On earlier albums [Read »]

Album Reviews

Septagon – Deadhead Syndicate

4th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

Markus Ullrich and Jürgen Schrank both known from Lanfear, Markus Becker (Atlantean Kodex), Alexander Palma and Stef Binnig Gollub form this German band. After an intro, the first track “Revolt Against the Revolution” sets off and immediately [Read »]

Album Reviews

Disquiet – The Condemnation

27th January 2016 Reinier de Vries

  I am always a bit proud when a Dutch band delivers such a good album. You perhaps think that I’m chauvinistic here, but I can assure you I’m not. This is just how modern thrash should sound [Read »]

Album Reviews

Sunrise – Absolute Clarity

12th January 2016 Reinier de Vries

The third album of this melodic metal band hailing from Kiev, Ukraine is self released after a successful crowdfunding campaign. After the debut ‘Liberty'(2007), ‘Trust Your Soul’ (2009) and the only digital released EP called [Read »]