Album Reviews

Neverworld – Dreamsnatcher

28th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

Perhaps you recognize the following situation. There is an awesome party and it is really cozy and relaxed. The music is good, the beer and wine are fine, the women are gorgious and plenty enough [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pander – Fierce Self

28th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

Every now and then I receive a hardcopy from a band on a local label. With all new international releases I hardly can find the time to review these albums, but I always put them on [Read »]

Album Reviews

Sinbreed – Master Creator

21st February 2016 Reinier de Vries

The third album of Sinbreed is again a step ahead. Compared with the predecessor ‘Shadows’ there didn’t change a lot. Perhaps you can say that the songs are even better written and have more quality. With [Read »]

Album Reviews

Anvil – Anvil Is Anvil

20th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

If you still think that an anvil is only something you need to forge metal, you probably accidentally landed on this site. Anvil is probably the band that inspired and influenced the big four and many [Read »]

Album Reviews

Fireleaf – Behind the Mask

14th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

This is the debut album of this German power metal (with balls) band, but with ex-Stormwitch members Ralf Stoney and Micha Kasper (Glennmore) a band with a lot of experience. That experience I can certainly hear because [Read »]

Album Reviews

Exumer – The Raging Tides

10th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

A band with a big cult status because of their releases in the eigthies is this German Exumer. Which thrash fan doesn’t know their cult album ‘Possessed By Fire’? Back then the band didn’t get the same [Read »]

Album Reviews

Lost Society – Braindead

10th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

This Finnish thrash band started some years ago and released thier first album when they were very young. The lyrics and song titles were quite simple back then, also the music wasn’t very groundshaking. Their [Read »]