Album Reviews

Burning – Nightmares

16th March 2016 Reinier de Vries

There is a big chance that a lot of Danish readers and other metal fans from outside the Netherlands are not familiar with the band Burning. Well, the band started in 2013 and released the single “Lurking [Read »]

Album Reviews

Anthrax – For All Kings

7th March 2016 Wade Reitz

Anthrax is a band that has always been near and dear to my heart. Anthrax was my gateway band to thrash. I remember reading something about how ‘Imitation of Life’ was one of the fastest [Read »]

Album Reviews

Neverworld – Dreamsnatcher

28th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

Perhaps you recognize the following situation. There is an awesome party and it is really cozy and relaxed. The music is good, the beer and wine are fine, the women are gorgious and plenty enough [Read »]

Album Reviews

Anvil – Anvil Is Anvil

20th February 2016 Reinier de Vries

If you still think that an anvil is only something you need to forge metal, you probably accidentally landed on this site. Anvil is probably the band that inspired and influenced the big four and many [Read »]

Album Reviews

Circle II Circle – Reign of Darkness

22nd November 2015 Kenn Jensen

Metal fans will forever associate Zak Stevens with Savatage and will always compare any new material with his former band. “Reign of Darkness” is studio album number seven in the past twelve years, and like [Read »]

Album Reviews

RAM – Svbversvm

28th October 2015 Reinier de Vries

Guitarist Harry Granroth is the founder of RAM and this is their fourth release. It is already four years ago that their latest album ‘Death’ came out. Two years ago, Daniel Johansson (guitar) quit the [Read »]