Circle II Circle – Reign of Darkness



Metal fans will forever associate Zak Stevens with Savatage and will always compare any new material with his former band. “Reign of Darkness” is studio album number seven in the past twelve years, and like it’s been the case with the others, Zak shines above everything else.

He is a very gifted vocalist and his contribution rescues another CIIC album – with the exception of their debut album I have not been overly impressed with their albums. This new one has its moments, but if it wasn’t for Zak I doubt many metal fans would even take notice.

It’s simply missing the highlights, the something extra that makes an album something extraordinary. There are solid songs, well performed and produced … but nothing sticks out, nothing makes me want to go back and listen to one or two songs over and over …

This is a real shame, because Zak is doing his utmost to make this a great album, but the songs are simply not strong enough to achieve the goal. No song falls through the cracks, they are all at a solid level, and the album is a solid effort. I had just hoped for more …

Best moments: “Untold Dreams”, “Somewhere” and “Deep Within”.


  1. Over-Underture (2:27)
  2. Victims of the Night (5:18)
  3. Untold Dreams (4:48)
  4. It’s All Over (3:42)
  5. One More Day (3:48)
  6. Ghost of the Devil (3:33)
  7. Somewhere (4:35)
  8. Deep Within (4:45)
  9. Taken Away (4:08)
  10. Sinister Love (4:00)
  11. Solitary Rain (5:15)

Playing Time: 46:09

Release date: October 16, 2015

Label: earMusic


About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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