Album Reviews

Striker – Striker

23rd February 2017 Wade Reitz

Some of you may recall in December I wrote about being clueless to the greatness of White Widdow. Well, here I go again. While reading a list of highly anticipated albums for 2017 on another [Read »]

Album Reviews

Armored Saint – Carpe Noctum

20th February 2017 Kenn Jensen

Armored Saint is often described as the most underrated metal band ever, and looking back at their impressive back-catalogue you can easily understand why… However they have only released seven studio albums, even though their [Read »]

Album Reviews

Avenford – New Beginning

20th January 2017 Markus Falkenberg

“Courage”, “face your fears”, “keep on fighting” are all tropes that you see a lot in all Metal genres and not just in Power Metal. The only difference is that Power Metal embraces these tropes [Read »]

Album Reviews

Grey Wolf – Glorious Death

15th September 2016 Thomas Nielsen

They say that South American metal fans are a tad more dedicated than European and US fans. Whether that’s true or not, I’m not sure, but I do appreciate that the Brazilian band Grey Wolf [Read »]