Sotajumala – Raunioissa



The first thing I noticed about Sotajumala’s album was its speed. It starts surprisingly slow and – with few exceptions – remains slow, but without sacrificing its heaviness in any way or form. There are still some fast paced guitar and blast beat passages that ease up the album here and there, but fans who prefer some greater variety in speed should be cautious about this one unless they really want to try something new. Another thing I noticed about the album are the vocals. They are still your typical kind of Death Metal growling, but the growling is still surprisingly clear and fans who are fluent in Finnish should be able to understand the lyrics with relatively little effort.

Another thing that struck me as special is Sotajumala’s impressive attitude! The band worked on “Raunioissa“ for four years simply for the love of music, and decided to give it away for free! Recording an album is not free though which is why Sotajumala asks for fans who enjoy “Raunioissa“ to buy it as well. A full statement by the band (download link included) can be found here.

So, why not give the band a try?


1. Saattajat
2. Sinä et ole yhtään mitään
3. Uhrina sairaan
4. Veljen viha
5. Kuolemanmarssi
6. Elävänä omassa haudassaan
7. Riimit lihan säälistä
8. Päivä jolloin aurinko sammui

Playing time: 40:23

Release date: 16 March, 2015

Label: Sotajumala-Yhtiöt Oy


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