Album Reviews

D.A.M – Premonitions

15th June 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Melodic Death Metal is definitely one of the trickier Metal subgenres. There is supposed to be some form of melody that is not too well hidden and there is supposed to be Death Metal. Two [Read »]

Album Reviews

InLegend – Goliath’s End

10th February 2016 Markus Falkenberg

To say that InLegend is an unusual Heavy Metal band is an understatement. It is still fun, but a Metal band that rejects Heavy Metal’s signature instrument, i.e. the guitar, for a piano is not [Read »]

Album Reviews

Sotajumala – Raunioissa

21st June 2015 Markus Falkenberg

The first thing I noticed about Sotajumala’s album was its speed. It starts surprisingly slow and – with few exceptions – remains slow, but without sacrificing its heaviness in any way or form. There are [Read »]