Album Reviews

Enuff Z’nuff – Clowns Lounge

18th December 2016 Kenn Jensen

Enuff Z’nuff or should I say Donnie Vie and Chip Z’nuff have much to my surprise been releasing albums on a regular basis for more than 30 years since their formation in 1984. Vie has [Read »]

Album Reviews

Jon Lord – Gemini Suite

16th December 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Ah, just in time for Christmas, the good people at EAR Music have graciously sent out something that many a (gran)dad wouldn’t mind finding in their stockings. It is well-known that Deep Purple had their [Read »]

Album Reviews

Power Quest – Face The Raven

8th December 2016 Haydee G.

Following his departure from his keyboard duties in DragonHeart (now known as DragonForce), Steve Williams forged ahead and formed Power Quest in 2001. The band has had so many line-up changes since their humble beginnings [Read »]

Album Reviews

Enbound – The Blackened Heart

28th November 2016 Kenn Jensen

Five years have passed since Enbound released their debut album “And She Says Gold”, and here follows album number two: “The Blackened Heart”. They are still operating in the area between melodic metal and power [Read »]

Album Reviews

Reapter – Cymatics

28th November 2016 Liam Savage

Reapter are a band playing a thrash sound that shows a respect to the past, while at the same time trying to root themselves in the modern-day thrash environment. While I can respect their dedication [Read »]

Album Reviews

Maschine – Naturalis

27th November 2016 Kenn Jensen

Maschine from the UK released a fine debut album “Rubidium” in 2013, followed by silence… and now all of a sudden comes their sophomore album “Naturalis”, a more laid-back and softer output from the band. [Read »]