Album Reviews

Once Human – Evolution

31st December 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Since he left Machine Head a million years ago, Logan Mader has paid his music business dues in Soulfly, Stereo Black and now Once Human, and by having produced, mixed and mastered a long list of great [Read »]

Album Reviews

Defecto – Excluded

30th December 2016 Tommy Skøtt

This review should be included in Guinness World Records. Only 9 months in the making. Sometimes private/work lives just makes it impossible to meet deadlines and with my eyes focusing on improving our growing webzine, my contribution to [Read »]

Album of the Month

White Widdow – Silhouette

28th December 2016 Wade Reitz

We like what we like. Whether it be food, beer, a certain brand of shoes, whatever, we are all individuals in what we favor. This is especially true when it comes to music. While in [Read »]

Album Reviews

Noveria – Forsaken

25th December 2016 Liam Savage

With a sound firmly rooted in the “prog-power” split subgenre, Noveria come forth with a commanding sound.  With all instruments on point and executed well, and singer Francesco Corigliano showing a good range with strong [Read »]

Album Reviews

Cowards – Still

21st December 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Now, this is a mixture of music I can’t really stand at length and music I find brilliant. How’s that? Well, this French sludge/hardcore outfit does a Fuck the Facts style hardcore thing which is [Read »]