Album Reviews

Words Of Farewell – A Quiet World

19th November 2016 Reinier de Vries

Words Of Farewell are the German answer to the Scandinavian melodic progressive death metal bands. Scar Symmetry, Dark Tranquility, Mors Principium Est are examples and you can finish the list yourself. Predecessor and second album ‘The [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vomitron – NESessary Evil

16th November 2016 Reinier de Vries

I read that there is a rather big market for used Nintendo NES consoles, which is a bit strange because the graphic quality of the modern games on X-Box or Playstation is so much better. [Read »]

Album Reviews

Hammerking – King Is Rising

11th November 2016 Reinier de Vries

This is the follow up of their 2014 debut album with the original title ‘Kingdom of the Hammer King’. These Germans play true power metal with no single original note or riff. That doesn’t make their music bad, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Dark Tranquility – Atoma

3rd November 2016 Reinier de Vries

Just before this new album, main song writer and guitarist Martin Hendersson left the band. Niklas Sundin replaced him and also a new bass player Anders Iwers (Tiamat, Ceremonial Oath) joined the band. When the [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vader – The Empire

2nd November 2016 Reinier de Vries

For a Dutchman the band name Vader is a strange and almost religious sounding one. It is the Dutch word for father, dad and in prayers we use Vader for Lord. I don’t think this was the intention when [Read »]


Intrinsic Celebrates 30 Year Milestone

26th October 2016

October, 2016, marks the 30th anniversary of U.S. power thrash band Intrinsic laying down tracks in the recording studio for their debut, self-titled album. Intrinsic garnered immediate acclaim in the metal press and radio at [Read »]