Album Reviews

Red Cain – Red Cain

18th November 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Already a superficial first listening to Red Cain’s self-titled EP will convince many a listener that we are dealing with a very ambitious band here. The production is good and one can literally feel that [Read »]

Album Reviews

Epica – The Holographic Principle

8th October 2016 Kenn Jensen

The ongoing battle between Holland and Finland for the crown in symphonic metal has been going back and forth for years, and Epica has for years been the frontrunner amongst the Dutch contingent. After a [Read »]

Album Reviews

Delain – Moonbathers

24th August 2016 Reinier de Vries

I am a fan of this band since they played in Bolwerk Sneek a few years ago and the audience went completely crazy. Like some other Dutch bands they play symphonic metal with a bit gothic feeling [Read »]

Album Reviews

Genus Ordinis Dei – EP 2016

2nd May 2016 Liam Savage

Symphonic elements in metal can lead to the spectacular (Dimmu Borgir), bright and powerful (Kamelot), or downright cheesy (Rhapsody, Rhapsody On Fire, Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Rhapsody 3.0, etc.).  So with such a fine line to [Read »]

Album Reviews

Universal Mind Project – The Jaguar Priest

29th April 2016 Kenn Jensen

Universal Mind Project was founded in 2012 by American guitarist and composer Michael Alexander, and it is a collaborative project between musicians from all around the globe. Musically, solid founded in progressive metal, combined with melodic [Read »]

Album Reviews

Royal Hunt – Cargo

17th April 2016 Kenn Jensen

Royal Hunt has a few live albums in their back catalogue: “1996”, “Closing the Chapter” and “2006”, so you might think this would be named “2016”… While playing at some the most prestigious festivals on [Read »]