Album Reviews

Cowards – Still

21st December 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Now, this is a mixture of music I can’t really stand at length and music I find brilliant. How’s that? Well, this French sludge/hardcore outfit does a Fuck the Facts style hardcore thing which is [Read »]

Album Reviews

Destrage – A Means To No End

22nd October 2016 Liam Savage

Destrage for me are one of those few bands where you can say they’re doing their own thing.  Sure, there’s some people that will point to certain aspects of the group’s sound and compare certain [Read »]

Album Reviews

Promethee – Unrest

28th August 2015 Cristina

It is arguable that innovation has become a key word when it comes to metal music these days. If your band doesn’t happen to be among the big, successful and worshipped acts of metal, you [Read »]