Album Reviews

Vanir – Aldar Rök

26th February 2016 Thomas Nielsen

This is an album that has grown constantly on me. Where Danish folk/death metal/slightly black metal outfit from the outset have been following in the footsteps of their countrymen in Svartsot, this their fourth release [Read »]

Album Reviews

Degial – Savage Mutiny

26th December 2015 Reinier de Vries

Degial hails from Sweden and this is their second album. In 2012, they released ‘Death’s Striking Wings’ and this new album is the logical musical predecessor. Degial doesn’t play in the typical Swedish death metal style, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Children Of Bodom – I Worship Chaos

25th September 2015 Cristina

Alright, I’m willing to admit that I’ve never really been a Children Of Bodom fan. When I discovered them years ago, I was sure that I wouldn’t listen to them again any time soon. Strangely [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pavillon Rouge – Legio Axis Ka

16th July 2015 Thomas Nielsen

If you’re the kind of metal person who don’t like the experimentation Morbid Angel did on ‘Illud Divinum Insanus’, then move on to the next review immediately. Because the album ‘Legio Axis Ka’ by French outfit [Read »]