Shakra – High Noon




Shakra is THE hard rock band in Switzerland, and their last couple of albums have both entered the charts very high, number 2 and 1 respectively. Both albums featured John Prakesh on vocals, but he has since left the band. And the replacement is none other than their former vocalist Mark Fox. Things have been patched up and it’s time move on…

And studio album number ten rocks! They play to their own strengths and don’t try to reinvent themselves or the genre in any way. No they simply write and perform cool hard rock songs…

Classic Shakra up-tempo rockers like the opener “Hello”, “Into Your Heart”, “Is It Real”, “The Storm” and “Wild and Hungry” proves just why they are so popular in Germany and Switzerland. But they are also capable of writing more groovy tunes like the title-track, songs in mid-tempo territory “Around the World”, “Raise Your Hands” and “Stand Tall”.

The power ballad is this time around called “Life’s What Your Need”. Two songs remaining: “Eye to Eye” and Watch Me Burn” where they move into blues rock territory. As you can see they check all the boxes for a classic hard rock album and in familiar style.

“High Noon” is another classic Shakra album. They deliver exactly what you’d expect, but done with style and conviction.

It surely gets my stamp of approval!


  1. Hello
  2. High Noon
  3. Into Your Heart
  4. Around the World
  5. Eye To Eye
  6. Is It Real
  7. Life’s What You Need
  8. The Storm
  9. Raise Your Hands
  10. Stand Tall
  11. Watch Me Burn
  12. Wild and Hungry

Playing Time: 50:18

Release date: January 29, 2016

Label: AFM Records


About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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