Overdoze – Supreme Dosage


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This is a pretty decent first attempt from 3-piece Finnish thrashers Overdoze. There’s a lot of raw power which is good, but it needs direction, and if only the mixing was better I could be giving this 7 or 8/10 instead of 6.

It is very difficult in a lot of places to hear anything other than drums and vocals. Spending a little more time on the production would pay off huge here. The vocals are simply shouting, but in thrash metal that’s ok. It is suited to the music and Overdoze recognize this. The lyrical content isn’t the most imaginative. Also the lead guitar ability is fairly decent, nothing special but it’s suited to what they’re doing and I’m sure this will develop, but the tone of it isn’t very easy to get in to. It takes time to find the right tone though, and I think this too is an area where a little improvement could help them make their mark.

The songs are short and sharp and the whole thing is over in a little more than half an hour, but its a good half an hour. Overdoze seem to follow a fairly generic thrash formula. Its true to say there isn’t exactly anything new that jumps out at you, but it shows a lot of promise.

For a first effort they’ve not done at all badly.


1. Dosed Back to Reality
2. Way of the North
3. Abyssus
4. Asylum of Madness
5. The Great Northern Alcoholculture
6. Night After Tomorrow
7. The Last
8. WeakEnd
9. And Beer for All (Instrumental)

Playing time: 36:09

Relase date: December 2015

Label: Against PR

Website: http://www.facebook.com/overdozemetal

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