Album Reviews

Thornbridge – What Will Prevail

18th February 2016 Matt Fabi

Often the places that spawn a new genre are the best at producing it. Scandinavia for black metal, USA for thrash, so with power metal it’s no surprise that the best of it has, for [Read »]

Album Reviews

Overdoze – Supreme Dosage

24th January 2016 Matt Fabi

This is a pretty decent first attempt from 3-piece Finnish thrashers Overdoze. There’s a lot of raw power which is good, but it needs direction, and if only the mixing was better I could be [Read »]

Album Reviews

Wings Of Destiny – Time

4th August 2015 Matt Fabi

Well, this is a fairly typical power metal album from six Costa Rican metalheads calling themselves Wings Of Destiny. It is quite formulaic. All of the lyrics are about mythology or angels. Ok, it’s power [Read »]