Aborted – Termination Redux


Belgian tech death metal outlet, Aborted are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and what better way to celebrate than by releasing an EP. Termination Redux offers fans four new tracks that blend new and old styles of the band’s passed. Thus the songs feature a mixture of skilful technical metal to the frantic grind core style they’ve adopted. The best way to describe Aborted regarding their sound is that they’re a cross between Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death; everything from the music itself to the album art work, the gruesome lyrics and song titles.

Aborted’s weapon of choice is the guitar which is the driving force behind their rendition of extreme metal. The album starts off with an instrumental 30 second track, ‘Liberate Me Ex-Infernis’ which immediately creates an unsettling atmosphere before plunging into the brutal title track. From the get go you can see just how much the band have matured and the slick production enhances the sound. The title track is comprised of blisteringly fast riffs and intense breakdowns. The contrasts gives the song diversity and power. Other tracks on the record offer similar song structures and it times they can get a little repetitive, however. Considering that this is an EP which is celebrating the band’s career so this fact can be overlooked as every other element of the EP is spot on.

You’ve got to turn the music up loud to fully appreciate what Aborted have to offer on the EP. As is typical with tech death there’s so many layers that the music verges on progressive. Yes it’s dark music but also incredibly beautiful at times and the EP acts as a showcase of the band’s amazing talent for songwriting. Aborted have created four incredibly complex tracks that are so intricate, yet explosive and powerful. Furthermore, Termination Redux is the perfect way for such a great band to celebrate their career and hopefully they’ll be many more years of deliciously grizzly death metal from Aborted to come. Moreover, if their latest EP is anything to go by, then they’ll produce stronger and better quality albums than ever better than before.


Track listing:

1. Liberate Me Ex Infernis

2. Termination Redux

3. Vestal Disfigurement Upon the Sacred Chantry

4. Bound in Acrimony

5. The Holocaust-Re Incarnate

Playing Time: 15.00

Release Date: 15th January 2016

Label: Century Media

Website: https://www.facebook.com/Abortedofficial/

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