UK’s SKREAMER release “King Of Crows” via Metal Hammer

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Hailing from London and recently relocated to Wales, Skreamer have been known to me for a number of years now and their popularity is reaching new heights, and consequently more people are rightly taking note. Among them, Metal Hammer, who today have showcased the video for the brand new “King Of Crows”. A poignant if potentially divisive statement about the plight many people in modern society face.

It is offered in the style one might associate more with a core band or nu-metal. It’s neither, but it has traits of both, and that’s one of the good things about this band in general. They’ve been called a lot of things. Thrash, progressive, nu-metal, core etc.  I say ‘good’ thing because it’s rare in a band that ideas are applied to whatever best expresses their message. Usually bands try to fit their message to their particular style. Skreamer take the different approach of choosing the way they feel best expresses their message. This is the reason they have been given so many different labels.

So let’s just avoid confusion and call them what they are: METAL

They have the benefit of having taken their time. Wisdom to know that being signed (which through choice they still aren’t) doesn’t mean you’ve ‘made it’ if it isn’t with the right people at the right time. This gives them freedom to develop that is often taken away from others who go too quickly, freedom to write music that can get premiered via one of the worlds most important authorities on rock and metal journalism (no, not us – but we ARE awesome). You can see Skreamer on 9/4/16 at the Underworld in Camden, London.

It’s not just talent and hard work. Patience pays. Take a leaf, people. Take the whole fuckin’ book.

You can watch the video here but I also suggest checking out some of their other content via their facebook page to get an experience of their diversity


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