Selcouth release “Unfamiliar, rare, strange, yet marvelous promo 2016”




Selcouth (Unfamiliar, rare, strange, yet marvelous) is an international Jazzy-avantgarde-post-metal-rock band which was founded in late 2014. The band is run from Finland but also features people from France, Spain and Argentina, all doing this for the love of the game.

If the music style of the band sounds a bit unfamiliar so has been the recording of the album too. Most of the members of the band have never even met each other live and all the recordings have been done in separate places. The communication has been handled over the internet and each participant has been able to make their contributions on their own. There is people involved with background from extreme metal to pop/jazz, Electronic, folk and even classical music. Regardless of the varied backgrounds the songs are solid compositions and should entice both people with a more traditional taste in music as well as the more progressive listeners. Some have compared the sound of Selcouth to such revered acts as Magma, Virus, Ved buens ende, Fleurety and Mr. Bungle yet the style and sound is something of their own.

Since 2014 Selcouth has been slowly gathering roster and finishing the songs for their debut full length album and now this album has been mixed and mastered and is ready to be released. Selcouth is still looking for a partner to release the album so interested parties can take contact to them. In support of the coming album they have now released a three song online promo in Bandcamp which includes three of the total nine of the albums songs. The album art is still work in progress, it is being crafted by a talented Dutch lady Ms. Katrine Lyck ( and it should be ready during november.

The album was crafted by the following talent:
Joonas Juntunen (Wrathage, Khanus) – Rhytmn guitar, Bass guitar, Male vocals
Juuso Juntunen (Wrathage, Khanus) – Vocals
Markus Liimatainen – Keyboards, lead guitar and Logo design
Slo (Smohalla, Fixions) – Keyboards
Aymeric Thomas (Pryapisme, Stagnant waters) – Drums and percussion
Meltiis – Soprano/Mezzo
Mikko Nuorala – Lead guitar
Andrez Ruiz (Monje de fuego, Alud negro) – Male vocals
Oscar Martin (As light dies, Aegri somnia) – Male vocals
Ai Vihervaara (Härmälän Mimosa) – Female vocals
Milja Juntunen – Female vocals
Tuukka Myllymäki – Male vocals
Jukka “Koba” Ylisuvanto – Lyrics
Pavel Daniels – Mixing
Simón Da Silva (Empty hall studios) – Mastering


About Tommy Skøtt 1323 Articles
I began my writing career in the year of 2012 due to my love for the metal community, and have since moved onto a second role as the Tech-Wiz of PoM - taking good care of our website. My favourite music genres are Progressive Metal in all its different shapes and Melodic Death Metal.

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