HammerFall posts lyric video

Sweden’s Heavy Metal legends HAMERFALL are back, and are not just celebrating 20 years of a successful career which inspired an entire genre and beyond, but they are also releasing their brand new and 10th studio album ‘Built To Last’ on November 4th 2016 on Napalm Records!

Today the band unleashed the first track by unveiling a lyric video for the song ‘The Sacred Vow’.

“Choosing a track for this was not easy, as we had several suitable songs. But “The Sacred Vow” is a pretty classic HammerFall tune and very representative of the album as a whole: speed, power, energy and with a catchy chorus that oozes of heavy metal spirit.” the band comments.

Get your full dose of HAMMERFALL’s heavy metal spirit, and tune into ‘The Scared Vow’ HERE!

In times when finest steel was no longer considered the crowning of our beloved genre, HAMMERFALL came to the rescue and blew everyone away with melodic finesse and sincerity: longplayers such as ‘Glory To The Brave’ (1997) and ‘Renegade’ (2000) quickly established the Swedes as pioneers of a modern version of classic 80s metal – and they surely haven`t slowed down any since! ‘Built to Last’ – the tenth album in a career spanning twenty years – definitely boasts a programmatic title and brilliantly displays the strengths of the band. Highly melodic and swift anthems, aggressive lead guitars, choruses you`d kill your mother for and Joacim Cans` inimitable, steel-melting voice (recorded once more with James Michael / SIXX AM in L.A.) turn this oeuvre into one of the most consistent, exciting and passionate HAMMERFALL ever recorded! 

‘Built To Last’ will be released on November 4th 2016 on Napalm Records, pre-order your copy HERE!




The track list for ‘Built To Last’ reads as follows:

1) Bring It!
2) Hammer High
3) The Sacred Vow
4) Dethrone And Defy
5) Twilight Princess
6) Stormbreaker
7) Built To Last
8) The Star Of Home
9) New Breed
10) Second To None

In support of their new album, HAMMERFALL will be hitting the road on a recently announced extensive European tour. Catch HAMMERFALL live, when they return to Europe on the following dates, presented by Metal Hammer, EMP, musiX and Metal.de. More dates to come!


12.01.17 DE – Bremen / Aladin
13.01.17 DE – Oberhausen / Turbinenhalle 1
14.01.17 DE – Bamberg / Brose Arena
16.01.17 NL – Utrecht / Tivoli Vredenburg
17.01.17 BE – Antwerp / Trix
18.01.17 DE – Fulda / Wartenberg Oval
20.01.17 DE – Langen/Frankfurt / Stadthalle
21.01.17 CH – Pratteln / Z7
22.01.17 CH – Pratteln / Z7
25.01.17 DE – Saarbrücken / Garage
26.01.17 DE – Filderstadt / Filharmonie
27.01.17 DE – München / Backstage
28.01.17 DE – Kaufbeuren / AllKart Halle
29.01.17 IT – Mailand / Live Club
31.01.17 HU – Budapest / Barba Negra
01.02.17 AT – Wien / Arena
02.02.17 AT – Graz / Orpheum
03.02.17 CZ – Zlin / Hala Euronics
04.02.17 PL – Warsaw / Progresja
06.02.17 DE – Berlin / Huxley´s Neue Welt
07.02.17 DE – Hamburg / Große Freiheit 36
08.02.17 DK – Copenhagen / Amager Bio

About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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