Wormed unleash new video

Spanish technical death metal masters WORMED are now premiering a new video clip for the track “Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy”┬átaken from their acclaimed┬áfull-length ‘Krighsu’, which was released┬áworldwide on March 18th.

The clip “Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy”┬áis┬ánow exclusively streaming via┬áthe official media partners below.

Metal.de (DE)
Rockzone (ES)
Kaaoszine (FI)
VS-Webzine (FR)
Rocking (GR)
Metal Wani (IN)
Andfari (IS)
Metalitalia (IT)
Lords of Metal (NL)
Ultraje (PT)
Antichrist Magazine (UA)
Terrorizer (UK)

Regarding “Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy”, WORMED comment: “Before this apocalyptic scenario took place, in the other arm of the galaxy, the CONEKTNITY project foresaw it, activating the Neomorph Protocol, commonly called ‘The awakening of the one hundred Chryms’. A cyborg army, saved for an event that would threat human existence.┬áThese powerful Chryms were designed to establish life in a safe planetary system.┬áAll woke up, all but one, Krighsu.”

Concept: Phlegeton
Directed by Guilherme Henriques
3d Modelation: Telmo Filipe
First assistant: Jorge Mendes
Light endorsement: Setofícios Energias Renováveis
Facilities: Casa de la M├║sica – Fuenlabrada – Madrid

Artwork and tracklist of┬á’Krighsu’ can be viewed below. The cover has been designed by vocalist Phlegeton:┬áwww.phlegeton-art.com

WORMED album cover 'Krighsu'
1. Pseudo-Horizon
2. Neomorph Mindkind
3. Agliptian Codex Cyborgization
4. The Singularitarianism
5. Eukaryotic Hex Swarm
6. Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy
7. A-Life Omega Point
8. 57889330816.1
9. Zeroth-Energy Graviton
10. Molecular Winds
WORMED press picture

Space ÔÇô the final frontier. Yet, when WORMED reach out into the void, the results sounds far more like a dark space opera inhabited by bizarre aliens, genetically and technically evolved meta-humans struggling for power and survival in galactic empires. On their third full-length ‘Krighsu’ the fast rising Spanish Sci-Fi tech death prodigies are telling a dystopian cosmic story with lyrics and music joined into an overarching concept.

Odd-time signatures, avalanches of breaks and complex rhythmical as well as melodic patterns will excite every aficionado of extreme technicity, while growls down-tuned strings and double-bass assaults will more than satisfy extreme metal connoisseurs. While being outstandingly skilled musicians WORMED are avoiding any self-indulgent show of prowess for its own sake. Instead the five-piece from Madrid clearly lays its emphasis on creating atmospheric songs, which develop and grow along the underlying story.

Originating from Spain’s capital Madrid in 1998, WORMED immediately made an impact in the death metal scene with the release of their ‘Floating Cadaver in the Monochrome’ MCD (1999). Following a promo CD under the title ‘Voxel Mitosis’ (2001), the first studio album ‘Planisphaerium’ received high acclaim by critics and fans alike in 2003. In the wake of their debut full-length, the Spanish received invitations to international festival shows and touring around the globe. WORMED performed in Japan alongside GORATORY and VOMIT REMNANTS and afterwards hit Europe with MALIGNANCY and DESPONDENCY.

A creative hiatus, partly due to line-up changes and filled with re-issues of their previous released as well as the single ‘Quasineutrality’ (2010) finally ended, when their sophomore album ‘Exodromos’ came out in 2013. Its intense brutality, dissonant dynamic riffing, and tremendous heaviness combined with an amazing futuristic concept, which introduce the character Krighsu ÔÇô last human in the cosmos, harvested top reviews and saw WORMED headlining in the US and co-headlining in Europe.

Now WORMED are ready to explore the cosmos and fate of ‘Krighsu’ even further, while climbing to even more mind-blowing musical heights. Prepare to experience the universe in the light and sound of a new aeon dawning!

Phlegeton: vocals
J. Oliver: guitars
Migueloud: guitars
Guillemoth: bass
G-Calero: drums


Style: Sci-Fi Tech Death Metal

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