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Wormed unleash new video

21st April 2016

Spanish technical death metal masters WORMED are now premiering a new video clip for the track “Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy”┬átaken from their acclaimed┬áfull-length ‘Krighsu’, which was released┬áworldwide on March 18th. The clip “Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy”┬áis┬ánow exclusively [Read »]

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Wormed unveil second song of new album

13th February 2016

Spanish technical death metal masters WORMED are premiering the next song taken form their forthcoming third┬áfull-length ‘Krighsu’, which has been slated for worldwide release on March 18th. “The Singularitarianism” represents the first part of a [Read »]

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Wormed launch first song and reveal details of new album

20th January 2016

Spanish technical death metal masters WORMED are launching the first song taken form their forthcoming third┬áfull-length ‘Krighsu’, which has been slated for worldwide release on March 18th. The song “Pseudo-Horizon” is now exclusively streaming via [Read »]