Interview with Aryn Jonathan Black from Scorpion Child


Scorpion Child might not ring a bell with many, could you please introduce the band and tell a bit about your background?

Aryn – We are a five piece heavy rock n roll band from Austin Texas. We have been in existence for 9 some odd years and we just released our second album “Acid Roulette”.

What kind of hopes and expectations do you have for “Acid Roulette”?

Aryn – I truly hope it reaches just as many ears as it possibly can. I mean that’s all you can really hope for. Some will enjoy it,some might not. It’s truly a blessing to be able to create these sounds. After growing up listening to so much inspirational and powerful music,and going from a teenage punk band to being able to craft more involved music proves to me that it was worth the journey.

What is the biggest difference between your debut album and “Acid Roulette”?

Aryn – There is a great growth that I hear on this release. I am very happy with the companionship present in this band now. We all share an incredible humour and it is very important in the process of creation. The sound is an extension on what we created on the debut. Artistically the vibe carries over as well and that’s the way I intended it.

If you were to single out one song from the album that is your favourite, which one would it be and why?

Aryn – I really enjoy a different song every week. My Woman In Black seems to be such an all around great jam,but I really feel Winter Side Of Deranged. I like it’s dark and powerful mood. It gets me going every time.

How does the final result compare to the idea you had before you began recording the album?

Aryn – I believe it surpassed the eyedea I had in my head. Before recording stuff you always have a preconceived notion of what it should be,almost as if it’s a goal to either achieve and hopefully win over with the end result. The product with the packaging and cover art,turned out waaaaay better than I originally imagined.


What do you want to express with the artwork?

Scorpion Child –The artwork reflects the many moods that shift throughout the album. There exists every color in the rainbow present on it with an earth-toned tint to add a more polar vibe. Happiness, darkness, fear, regret, euphoria, it’s all there.

Any cool story behind your choice for the band’s name?

Aryn – Well it came from a line in The Cult’s song “Lil Devil” if that qualifies as a cool story. ha ha

What does the term classic rock mean to you?

Aryn – It means hard rock that is from 40 some odd years ago. What really constitutes something as “classic”? Unforgettable sounding I’d think. In that case it transcends human necessity.

Name five albums that have made a big impact on today’s scene and you personally…

Aryn – Bauhaus “In a Flat Field”, SWANS “Children of God”, Christian Death “No Theatre of Pain”, Sir Lord Baltimore “Kingdom Come” and CAN “Tago Mago”. That’s my big impact list… There are a million other albums that impacted today’s music whether it’s Elvis, Chuck Berry, Beatles, Stones, Stooges etc. It’s hard to really narrow it all down.

What kind of plans are on schedule in upcoming months for Scorpion Child, touring… and?

Aryn – We plan to fill the calendar in the upcoming year as much as we can. We have Download Fest coming up in a few daze. We have a European tour with Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats in October,and some other tours coming down the pipe:-)

Thank you very much for answering my questions. Do you have any last rants for our readers?

Aryn – Thank you all for the support! We hope that you enjoy the new album.

About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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