Album Reviews

Mindlane – Unspoken Silence

1st February 2017 Reinier de Vries

Mindlane was formed in April 2016 in Skepplanda, just outside of Gothenburg. Joonas Niskanen (One Without), guitars, Reine Svensson (Outshine) on vocals and Hannu Mäkelä (Characters) on drums are the three members that form the band. [Read »]

Album Reviews

Aversions Crown – Xenocide

29th January 2017 Wade Reitz

Looks like the new year is starting off with a bang, and I’m not just talking about DJT’s inauguration ceremony. I’m talking about music, more specifically metal. There are a TON of anticipated releases set [Read »]

Album Reviews

Firewind – Immortals

29th January 2017 Kenn Jensen

Gus G. and Firewind is a long serving member of the European Power Metal scene, and after a five year hiatus they’ve returned with a new album “Immortals”. And on this conceptual album they take [Read »]

Album Reviews

Kreator – Gods Of Violence

20th January 2017 Reinier de Vries

When I think of Kreator, immediately the phrase ‘Time to raise the flag of hate’ comes to mind. Together with Destruction this band stood at the cradle of German thrash. Sure, they stood in the shade [Read »]

Album Reviews

Avenford – New Beginning

20th January 2017 Markus Falkenberg

“Courage”, “face your fears”, “keep on fighting” are all tropes that you see a lot in all Metal genres and not just in Power Metal. The only difference is that Power Metal embraces these tropes [Read »]