Album Reviews

Dare – Sacred Ground

17th July 2016 Kenn Jensen

Former Thin Lizzy keyboard player Darren Wharton switched attention when they broke up, and created his own project: Dare. Here he’s the main vocalist and song writer, and the music is also more polished and [Read »]

Album Reviews

Thrawsunblat – Metachthonia

13th July 2016 Liam Savage

One can’t listen to Thrawsunblat without recognizing the importance of the background of this group.  Historically, the band was forged by Woods Of Ypres founder David Gold (R.I.P.) and former Woods guitarist Joel Violette.  The [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pressure Points – False Lights

5th July 2016 Liam Savage

Every now and then, a band comes along that restores your faith in the art of musical creation.  With certain bands lacking a creative drive for excellence, it’s easy to get jaded as a music [Read »]

Album Reviews

J.B.O. – 11

1st July 2016 Markus Falkenberg

I have no idea how much Metal fans outside of Germany know about J.B.O., but over here many people perceive them as a kind of German “Tenacious D”, or maybe as a (only slightly) tamer [Read »]

Album Reviews

Tarja – The Brightest Void

30th June 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Picture that you’re the front lady of one of the most popular female fronted bands on the planet. You’ve turned kitsch into greatness. You’re riding on a wave of success. Then, bam, things happen away [Read »]