Album Reviews

Reapter – Cymatics

28th November 2016 Liam Savage

Reapter are a band playing a thrash sound that shows a respect to the past, while at the same time trying to root themselves in the modern-day thrash environment. While I can respect their dedication [Read »]

Live Reviews

Aalborg Metal Festival 2016

20th November 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Aalborg Metal Festival Venue: Studenterhuset, Aalborg, Denmark Dates: 11th and 12th of November For those of you ignorant wretches out there who know nothing about Danish geography, I can share that Aalborg is a town [Read »]

Live Reviews

Battle of the Bays 2016

9th November 2016 Thomas Nielsen

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the announcement of the Battle of the Bays billing. Obituary, Exodus and Prong sharing stage in a fairly small venue? Almost too good to be true, but [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vader – The Empire

2nd November 2016 Reinier de Vries

For a Dutchman the band name Vader is a strange and almost religious sounding one. It is the Dutch word for father, dad and in prayers we use Vader for Lord. I don’t think this was the intention when [Read »]