Album Reviews

Árstíðir Lífsins – Heljarkviða

19th January 2017 Liam Savage

Árstíðir Lífsins is a band that is probably not on everyone’s radar in the current metal climate.  However, their sound is one that demands attention.  Take a beautiful pagan/folk metal background, add in heavy helpings [Read »]

Album Reviews

Red Cain – Red Cain

18th November 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Already a superficial first listening to Red Cain’s self-titled EP will convince many a listener that we are dealing with a very ambitious band here. The production is good and one can literally feel that [Read »]

Album Reviews

Fallujah – Dreamless

15th April 2016 Liam Savage

It’s a great time to be a fan of experimentation in music.  Take for example the brand new album by Fallujah.  In “Dreamless” we have a perfect example as to what can be done to [Read »]

Album Reviews

Aliases – Derangeable

11th April 2016 Liam Savage

So let’s get this out of the way first.  There will be some comparisons between Aliases and guitarist Graham “Pin” Pinney’s highly-regarded prog outfit SikTh.  While this is Aliases’ first batch of new material in [Read »]


Interview with HAKEN

8th April 2016 Liam Savage

One of the most hotly anticipated metal releases of this year is due on April 29th of this year by British progressive titans Haken with “Affinity”.  With their popularity increasing ten-fold since the release of [Read »]