Album Reviews

Enigma – Stars Misaligned

22nd July 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Many fans would likely agree that Melodic Technical Death Metal is one of the most challenging sub-genres for any Metal band. You want the growling, you want melody, you want to show off with your [Read »]

Album Reviews

Burden Of Life – In Cycles

24th June 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Skimming the first couple of lines of the promo letter from Noizgate Records, it mentions melodic death metal. Righto, I can certainly appreciate that. Now, my surprise was big when I threw the disc into [Read »]

Album Reviews

D.A.M – Premonitions

15th June 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Melodic Death Metal is definitely one of the trickier Metal subgenres. There is supposed to be some form of melody that is not too well hidden and there is supposed to be Death Metal. Two [Read »]

Album Reviews

Genus Ordinis Dei – EP 2016

2nd May 2016 Liam Savage

Symphonic elements in metal can lead to the spectacular (Dimmu Borgir), bright and powerful (Kamelot), or downright cheesy (Rhapsody, Rhapsody On Fire, Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Rhapsody 3.0, etc.).  So with such a fine line to [Read »]

Album Reviews

Fallujah – Dreamless

15th April 2016 Liam Savage

It’s a great time to be a fan of experimentation in music.  Take for example the brand new album by Fallujah.  In “Dreamless” we have a perfect example as to what can be done to [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vinterblot – Realms Of The Untold

26th March 2016 Liam Savage

The whole Viking metal scene has really swelled into a large pool of talent in the last decade.  Front-runners like Amon Amarth have stayed tried-and-true in their quest for a vision that is more about [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vanir – Aldar Rök

26th February 2016 Thomas Nielsen

This is an album that has grown constantly on me. Where Danish folk/death metal/slightly black metal outfit from the outset have been following in the footsteps of their countrymen in Svartsot, this their fourth release [Read »]