Album Reviews

Árstíðir Lífsins – Heljarkviða

19th January 2017 Liam Savage

Árstíðir Lífsins is a band that is probably not on everyone’s radar in the current metal climate.  However, their sound is one that demands attention.  Take a beautiful pagan/folk metal background, add in heavy helpings [Read »]

Album Reviews

Weh – Ingenmannsland

27th October 2015 Thomas Nielsen

As I write this, I’m in a gym where one of my three daughters is running around like a mad person in a chaotic ball game with 30 other people of different ages. Three balls [Read »]

Album Reviews

Amorphis – Under The Red Cloud

30th August 2015 Sophie Ruhnke

After more than 25 years of extolling finnish myths musically, Amorphis once again read through the Kalevala to find new topics which could be turned into music. It’s already the 12th time that Amorphis are hitting the studio, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Jonne – Jonne

17th July 2015 Sophie Ruhnke

Imagine being in a (successful) band and writing new songs. But the new songs sound completely different from what your band is used to play. But you like the songs and you need to record [Read »]

Album Reviews

Mandowar – Hellboys From Cow

18th June 2015 Thomas Nielsen

This is as silly as it sounds. No, actually; it’s even beyond that. It’s daft. It’s a rape of metal classics. The concept: Three German guys on mandolin, bass and guitar make their interpretations of metal and [Read »]