Album Reviews

Insomnium – Winter’s Gate

24th September 2016 Wade Reitz

In the world of music, a concept album is nothing new. Most artists have some sort of binding thread for their music, they just might not all follow a particular story line. In progressive, rock, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Martyrion – Our Dystopia

26th August 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Death Metal meets Fallout. Sounds simple, right? And yes, their idea to place their music in an obviously fictive post-apocalyptic future sounds like a gimmick, but why not? It is not as if they were [Read »]

Album Reviews

Sun Of Gaia – Corrode

4th May 2016 Liam Savage

Sun Of Gaia, a new band out of Australia, are taking a stripped-down and mostly bare-bones approach to their songwriting with their debut EP “Corrode”.  There’s no bells and whistles with this group.  They stay [Read »]

Album Reviews

October Tide – Winged Waltz

15th April 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Disturbing. This album is very disturbing. But then, isn’t that exactly what one should expect from a Doom Metal band like October Tide? So no, if you should expect songs about fluffy bunnies and green [Read »]

Album Reviews

Burning – Nightmares

16th March 2016 Reinier de Vries

There is a big chance that a lot of Danish readers and other metal fans from outside the Netherlands are not familiar with the band Burning. Well, the band started in 2013 and released the single “Lurking [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vastum – Hole Below

17th November 2015 Reinier de Vries

If you hear Bay Area you think of thrash and the eighties. I don’t think there will be many who will mention Vastum. This death metal combo is already releasing its third album and as [Read »]

Album Reviews

Egonaut – Deluminati

29th August 2015 Thomas Nielsen

You can hardly say that Swedish retro/stoner/doom hardrockers Egonaut offer anything new to the world of metal, but their new release is nevertheless a decent effort – however not perfect. Starting out very elegantly with the flaws [Read »]