Album Reviews

Pillorian – Obsidian Arc

25th March 2017 Liam Savage

It’s always interesting when a musician who’s made a big impact within their respective field of music decides to finish it up and have a clean slate.  Such is the case with former Agalloch vocalist/guitarist [Read »]

Album Reviews

Árstíðir Lífsins – Heljarkviða

19th January 2017 Liam Savage

Árstíðir Lífsins is a band that is probably not on everyone’s radar in the current metal climate.  However, their sound is one that demands attention.  Take a beautiful pagan/folk metal background, add in heavy helpings [Read »]

Live Reviews

Aalborg Metal Festival 2016

20th November 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Aalborg Metal Festival Venue: Studenterhuset, Aalborg, Denmark Dates: 11th and 12th of November For those of you ignorant wretches out there who know nothing about Danish geography, I can share that Aalborg is a town [Read »]

Album Reviews

Anaal Nathrakh – The Whole Of The Law

1st November 2016 Liam Savage

One of the most consistent names in modern extreme metal is without a doubt Anaal Nathrakh.  Through eight albums they’ve consistently produce face-shredding and brain-melting metal that isn’t for the faint of heart.  To describe [Read »]

Album Reviews

Myrkur – Mausoleum

15th August 2016 Liam Savage

The name Myrkur has stirred up positive or negative reactions depending on who you talk to.  The positives focus on Amalie Brunn’s project as a different take on black metal with newfound respect in breaking [Read »]

Album Reviews

Carnifex – Slow Death

6th August 2016 Wade Reitz

Deathcore has been a much-maligned genre in metal for quite some time. So much, that some bands who have been aligned with the genre have either rejected the label (The Acacia Strain), changed styles to [Read »]