Album Reviews

What Escapes Me – Egress Point

6th June 2016 Liam Savage

Hailing from Kolkata, India, What Escapes Me have issued their debut (and self-financed) release “Egress Point” to the masses to delve into. With the opening song “Coalesce”, we’re treated to a nice mid-paced guitar sound [Read »]

Album Reviews

*Frost – Falling Satellites

25th May 2016 Liam Savage

*Frost are one of the more mysterious, yet praised bands in all of progressive music.  Giving a very unique sound to the masses with lots of variety in their output is one point that gives [Read »]

Album Reviews

Astrakhan – Adrenaline Kiss

22nd May 2016 Liam Savage

Astrakhan, hailing from Sweden, have arrived with album number two in the form of “Adrenaline Kiss”.  Featuring acclaimed singer Alexander Lycke (known for singing in productions of “Jesus Christ Superstar”,” Hair”, “American Idiot” and “Les [Read »]

Album Reviews

Hatebreed – The Concrete Confessional

16th May 2016 Wade Reitz

The name Hatebreed evokes different emotions from different people. For people who don’t know the band, they feel negatively and assume they are about racial superiority and violence. However, those who know Hatebreed, know they [Read »]

Album Reviews

Mabachus – Petroglyph

12th May 2016 Liam Savage

My first foray into Mabachus came with late 2012’s “The Great Culling”.  What immediately struck me about the Toronto quartet was their willingness to take chances and make something that wasn’t defined by a predominate [Read »]

Album Reviews

Sun Of Gaia – Corrode

4th May 2016 Liam Savage

Sun Of Gaia, a new band out of Australia, are taking a stripped-down and mostly bare-bones approach to their songwriting with their debut EP “Corrode”.  There’s no bells and whistles with this group.  They stay [Read »]

Album Reviews

Yurt – III Molluskkepokk

25th April 2016 Liam Savage

YURT is a band veiled in mysticism (at least that’s what their bio would lead you to believe), with the band members being referred to as “sonic elders”, and an agenda for “conducting experiments in [Read »]