Album Reviews

An Endless Sporadic – Magic Machine

28th September 2016 Liam Savage

I’m the type of music fan who’s a sucker for great instrumental music.  I crave something that stands out, something that draws in your attention through ability and talent.  For those in the know about [Read »]

Album Reviews

Excellion – Unsean

21st September 2016 Liam Savage

Let’s be honest, Mexico probably isn’t probably even in the top ten of countries that comes to mind when thinking about progressive and technical metal.  I’m drawing a blank on the whole subject as I [Read »]

Album Reviews

Myrkur – Mausoleum

15th August 2016 Liam Savage

The name Myrkur has stirred up positive or negative reactions depending on who you talk to.  The positives focus on Amalie Brunn’s project as a different take on black metal with newfound respect in breaking [Read »]

Album Reviews

Third Ion – Biolith

27th July 2016 Liam Savage

I remember when I got the opportunity to review this album, I jumped at the chance.  I mean, it’s not every day you hear about a metal band that boasts an impressive resume of former [Read »]

Album Reviews

Thrawsunblat – Metachthonia

13th July 2016 Liam Savage

One can’t listen to Thrawsunblat without recognizing the importance of the background of this group.  Historically, the band was forged by Woods Of Ypres founder David Gold (R.I.P.) and former Woods guitarist Joel Violette.  The [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pressure Points – False Lights

5th July 2016 Liam Savage

Every now and then, a band comes along that restores your faith in the art of musical creation.  With certain bands lacking a creative drive for excellence, it’s easy to get jaded as a music [Read »]

Album Reviews

Be’lakor – Vessels

26th June 2016 Liam Savage

I’ll admit that I’m a relative newcomer to Be’lakor.  “Of Breath And Bone” was my first foray into the band, and while I heard certain aspects of their sound that I very much appreciated, it [Read »]

Album Reviews

Lanfear – The Code Inherited

21st June 2016 Liam Savage

Lanfear is a band that has been putting out albums since their debut in 1996.  And 20 years later, we are given their eight and most current release in the form of “The Code Inherited”.  [Read »]