Nymeria – The Art of Deception

Nymeria is a six-piece symphonic death metal band formed in 2005 in the Netherlands. Their current and third full-length album “The Art of Deception” will be released next month through Painted Bass Records. I will try not to spoil it for anyone, but I must say it is a majestic one!

Nymeria have been a part of Appelpop in Tiel, they have toured all over the Netherlands and have shared the stage with international acts such as Carach Angren, Heidevolk, Therion etc. “How have I not heard of Nymeria before? How could have I missed this band?” I ask myself as I spin the album for about the fourth or fifth time by now. “The Art of Deception” is dark, yet bombastic in its candid and outstanding way – the predominantly blackened yet well-proportioned vocals, the flexibility of the guitars to do progressive alternate picking and fast tremolo picking all the while enduring the rhythmic melodies and solos, the bass rings through wholly and comprehensively, the keyboards add the essential feature of the majestic symphonic harmonies┬áand of course the drums – they do justice to the songs individually and unpretentiously over the top. Yes, I certainly have too many positive adjectives to describe this gem.

Without a doubt, it was a very pleasant experience listening to this Dutch metal band. If there are complaints to be had from me, it would be that the enjoyment is diminished after only 30 minutes of listening. The album is brisk and goes by all too quickly! I definitely┬ácan not recall the last time I complained about the duration of an album, the commendatory way – it is my sign of approval.

I can predict that “The Art of Deception” will make it to my top picks for the year. Not at all a bad start of 2016.


1. Blasphemy
2. Fate Revealed
3. Bloodstained
4. The Art of Deception
5. Vampire Manifesto
6. Heart of the Blackbird
7. Breathe

Playing Time: 30:31

Release date: March 4, 2016

Label: Painted Bass Records

Website: www.nymeria.nl

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