Immortal Machinery – The Imperfect Storm


With the deep, melodic voices and a dark ambience, England’s answer to Finnish legends The 69 Eyes and USA Dark Metal icons Type O Negative are currently in our midst. They are London based Immortal Machinery and their latest album An Imperfect Storm could just as well be further proof of this statement.

This Dark Melodic trio form in the year 2013 after meeting at a gig in 2011. They spent those two years jamming and experimenting with this sound. With support from record labels Roxeavy Music and LA Riot Survivor, Immortal Machinery continue to perform across the UK. They even host their own self-promoted gigs in London with the aim of supporting other underground metal bands.

What was particularly admirable about their previous release was the deep vocals and the beautiful dark melodies; An Imperfect Storm provides just that, it also shows people that the violin is a truly beautiful sounding instrument that adds emphasis on great music. The first track featuring Chasing Dragons vocalist Tank provides the listener with a false sense of security with its positive sounds, major tone melodies. After this track the album continues with it’s gothic, dark tracks that drew attention to the band.

Highlights on the album include ‘Tongues Of Fire’, ‘Apocalypse Forever’ and ‘Greater Love’; these particular tracks have ambience and beauty.

‘Tongues Of Fire’ reminds one of being on the edge of a cliff in the midst of a storm; yet it’s calming rather than frightening. The dramatic sting intro builds up anticipation along with the deep vocals, leading to quite a climatic chorus. The violin solo in the midst of all this is quirky and some may call it imperfect but it works.

‘Apocalypse Forever’ is an unusual yet beautiful track. The stripped down first part with no guitars or drums at all worked perfectly. It leads the listener into a false sense of security before the distortion of the guitars and beats from the drums capture you entirely. It reminds one of a waltz gone wrong but in this case, that’s a huge compliment. The imperfect waltz is actually perfect.

‘Greater Love’ has a stunning melody from start to finish. If best of both can be shown in a track, this would be the one. One moment you have sweeping, dramatic arrangements that create the storm, next you have the soft, mellow moment that tugs the heartstrings ever so slightly.

There is the saying nobody is perfect and that our imperfections make us beautiful. The Imperfect Storm is musical proof of this and this album is a must have for your music collection. For fans of The 69 Eyes and Type O Negative.


01. I’m Not Sorry (Feat. Tank – Chasing Dragons)

02. Die With Me – A Soldier’s Song

03. Tongues Of Fire

04. Nail Me Upside Down

05. I Did It For You

06. Apocalypse Forever

07. Greater Love

08. Call me Cain (He Never Died) (Feat. Kieran McGourty – ex Sufferance)

09. Barbiturate Blues

Playing Time: 48:00

Release Date:  7th April 2017

Website:  Official Website


About Lotty Whittingham 20 Articles
Hey there, my name is Lotty. My interest in music journalism started six years ago and I have not looked back. The satisfaction knowing that band's names are getting across to audiences due to a write and interview is the most rewarding part. For me bands come first.

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