Etrusgrave – Aita’s Sentence


It’s hard to define the term epic metal when you don’t actually know what to expect; one thing that is certain it’s got to be something particularly spectacular to fit that category. It’s an ambitious move which often pays off spectacularly or backfires abysmally. In the case of Italian based Etrusgrave it’s a fairly mixed bag right now; with the right nurturing and treatment their sound can grow and develop into something majestic. This is based on their latest album Aita’s Sentence alone.

Before going into the album in further detail here is some information about the band; they formed in the year 2001. After several line up changes, two full albums and live support they are ready with to melt faces with their release.

Onto the album itself; it opens very prominently with the track ‘Anxiety’. The intro of this track particularly hits home and brings up the horrible side of struggling with this mental illness on a daily basis. It’s not easy to listen to but the heaving breathing and pounding heart sound effects really captures one of the worst aspects of anxiety very well. The rest of the album provides some great melodies with some pretty great guitar solos and the use of that falcetto that remind one of Dragonforce and Dendera.

The album is a fairly good one to listen to, only criticism being it’s mediocre rather than epic. The songs consist of the same structure and same type of melody that all seem to merge into one. It’s difficult to tell the difference between tracks such as ‘Aita’s Sentence’ and ‘The Guardian’.

So overall not a bad release but not the best thing that’s out there right now; the band are extremely talented yes. It just didn’t sit well with the ears on this occasion; just a stone in sea of stones.


01. Anxiety

02. Mammoth Trumpet

03. Festering Slash

04. North North West

05. Aita’s Sentence

06. Coward

07. The Guardian

Running Time:  49:13

Label:  Minotauro Records

Website:  Etrusgrave @ Facebook

About Lotty Whittingham 20 Articles
Hey there, my name is Lotty. My interest in music journalism started six years ago and I have not looked back. The satisfaction knowing that band's names are getting across to audiences due to a write and interview is the most rewarding part. For me bands come first.

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